What is S.L.A.A.?
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous, or S.L.A.A., is a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition oriented Fellowship of men and women who help each other to stay sober. We offer help to anyone who has or suspects they may have a sex addiction or love addiction or both and wants to do something about it. We S.L.A.A.’s have a special understanding of each other and the disease, and we have learned how to recover through the suggested Twelve Steps of S.L.A.A.
Am I a sex and love addict?
If you are not sure you identify as a person struggling with sex and love addiction, the 40 Questions for Self-Diagnosis are available at They are offered only to provide indicators of sex and love addiction and are not a definitive diagnostic. Additionally, the Characteristics of Sex and Love Addiction are available, with which many in the fellowship have identified.
There are no dues or fees for attendance or membership; a person is a member when they decide they are and may terminate or renew their membership at any time. There are no membership lists. Groups are financially supported by voluntary contributions of the attendees; no one is under any obligation to pay or attend meetings. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop living out a pattern of sex and love addiction. Newcomers are invited to attend a handful of different S.L.A.A. meetings before deciding if this program is right for them. Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion.
What happens in a meeting?
During a meeting, members are given an opportunity to share their experience, strength and hope with each other, that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from sex and love addiction. Different meetings have different formats. There are topic meetings, where members discuss topics of interest to the group. Meditation meetings usually include a brief meditation during the meeting. Step study meetings tend to read out of the book Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous pertaining to the specific steps of recovery. A speaker meeting is when a member shares their story at length, often for 15 minutes, followed by an opportunity for others to share.
Many meetings practice no cross talk. Cross talk includes talking about what another person has said, interrupting, or having conversations on the side. Silent, respectful listening provides a space where individuals can share without fear of interruption.
Individuals are not required to share during a meeting.
Anonymity is at the foundation of recovery in S.L.A.A. Members are strongly encouraged to keep in confidence what was spoken at a meeting. Many meetings include a reading reminding the group that “who you see here, and what you hear here, please leave it here.”